Design Principles



“No consideration is given to problems which concern aesthetic effects of these designs. In can be said, however, that the most frequently pleasing effects are achieved in buildings designed according to the concepts described briefly here. It seems that this approach, together with the desire to express the essence of structural principles in physical form, is the only rational method of design.”

Waclaw Zalewski, “A Study of Saw-Tooth Shell Roof Shapes,” IASS (International Association of Shell Structures). Proceedings of the World Conference on Shell Structures in San Francisco, California, 1962.

"Despite its simplicity, the principle of creating forms based on the criterion of constant force is universal and includes multiple aspects that can guide the development of construction projects. The validity of solutions illustrating this principle is often self-evident, requiring no proof. Nevertheless, for the generalized problems related to the study of shell calculations, a studio maxim 'Constant force as a criterion of rational form of construction' seems to be useful."

Waclaw Zalewski, "Constant Force as a Criterion of Rational Forms of Construction," c.1963



Structural Principles - Publications

Poland: "Precast Concrete 'Grid-Vaults', Prefabrication, August, 1958

New Forms of Construction from the Period 1950-1960

Some Structural Solutions Recently Applied in the Polish Industrial Building, c.1960

Simplified Calculation Methods of Shell Structures / Proceedings of the Colloquium on Simplified Calculation Methods Brussels, September 4-6, 1961.

"Experimental Methods as a Help in the Design of Shell Structures in Poland," Proceedings of the Symposium on Shell research Delft, 1961

"Factory Making Methods and Normalization of Prestressed Structures in the Polish Industrial Building" 4th Congress of the Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte, Roma, 1962.

Construction de la Toiture du Supermarket a Varsovie, c.1962

Constant Force as a Criterion of Rational Forms of Construction, c.1963

Structural Design - Teaching Notes

PDFs linked below

The Concept of the Flow of Forces, Excerpts from Notes on Structural Behavior for Architecture Students, MIT, 1975-1980

Funiculus, Excerpt from Notes on Structural Behavior for Architecture Students, MIT, 1975-1980

Structures - The Playground of Forces or Geometry and Mechanics of Structures.



Other Teaching Works:

Advanced Design of Structures MIT 1.544 Spring 1990

Analisis Nomografico de los Sistemas Hiperestaticos

Shaping of Structures - Easy Way, 1970-1980

System of Kinematical Control of Deployable Structures

Systems Design Studio 1976

Hands On Steel program

Systems Design Studio


See also Chronology

Supersam Lecture Small

Sample page of teaching notes

based upon the approach in Supersam